Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This entry is again on blogger. I did find out to enlarge the Windows Writer you click on the picture and options pop up on the side...Another good thing about the Windows Writer is that I can write the post off line and schedule it to post.

The tulips were taken at the Phipps Conservatory. Now why did the color change???? BTHOM.

What I would like to know is how to get the type changes to stay. Sometimes I will be typing away and the colors will revert back to the plain black. Why is that????

Today's lecture was on obesity and anesthesia complications. Obesity is the second highest (PREVENTABLE) cause of death in this county. First is smoking. The biggest problem anesthesia providers face is airway obstruction and the inability to ventilate. Most of these people can not breathe lying down and a small amount of drugs causes their airway (inside their mouth and throat) to collapse. There is redundant tissue in the airway, just like there is extra tissue on the outside. Complications include high blood pressure, diabetes, inability to breathe, tires easily, destruction of the joints and coronary artery disease to name a few. The lecturer stated that with morbid obesity (twice the normal body weight) the life expectancy is decreased by an average of 17 years. That is a considerable decrease in your lifespan.

Second lectures was on evaluation of the patients cardiac status. And the last two were on stress of the patients as well as the providers.

I wanted to go and walk around Williamburg but it is raining. Heavy at times but nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe I will tomorrow. The lectures start at 06:30 and end about 1 PM. Gives me time to sight see. Tomorrow I am going out to dinner with my brother and his family. He has been living here in VA since he graduated from college. He works at the shipyard and is an engineer. Within the next ten years the sibs will be starting to retire.

It is now 8:24 PM and I guess the election results will be coming in. I am so glad this is over.


  1. About 5 minutes ago, CNN declared PA for Obama.

  2. those lectures sounded interesting; so many challenges with our health for things that can be avoided like not smoking and maintaining a healthy weight. my sister/family live (sort of, long story) in Virginia; I visited it once; loved it; hope you got a chance to do some sightseeing


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