Saturday, November 15, 2008


"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder."

George Washington

Still applies today......

Word of the Day
Tergiversate (verb)
Pronunciation: [têr-'gi-vêr-seyt]
Definition: Abandon a cause or reverse one's position on something.
Usage: John Donne (1631) Sermon V.16 "No tergiversation, nor abandoning the noble work he had begun."
Suggested Usage: Ever listen to a speaker talk for an hour, finally say "and in conclusion," then continue to speak for another 30 minutes? He (or she) tergiversated. Let them know it; the word itself should intimidate them into mending their speech habits. When President Bush the Elder said "Read my lips: no new taxes," he later tergiversated on the issue.
Etymology: Latin tergiversatus, past participle of tergiversor "to turn one's back" hence "to decline or refuse" from tergum "back" + versare "to turn." –

Dr. Language,

Is this an other word for lying????


  1. that must be the twin sister of "perseverate" go on and on and on about a specific topic...wink.

  2. I love the quote! it is so applicable in today's world for sure!!

    interesting word; I like when you do these; fun to learn new words that I've never heard of before ;)


  3. What a wonderful word. It has already joined the herd of sesquipedalia who roam my abode.

    ;^) Jan the Gryphon

  4. Hope you get things with your photos straightened out!
