Another glorious Friday...actually they ALL are glorious..... I seems that I live for Fridays and other days off. On Monday I start my counting down to the weekend.....
Today I worked in the GI Lab...... You either get your stomach examined or your colon. For all those out there who have not had your colonoscopy done by the age of 50, it is time to do so. Just take Farrah Fawcet as an example. She has just died at the age of 62, what is recommended is that you have your first by age 50. If there is colon cancer in the family, you should have your first done about 10 years before the age that the person had their cancer diagnosed. For me that would have been at the age of 50. My mother was diagnosed at age 62, I actually think I had it done it earlier than 52. In fact my gastrointerologist said Emily should have hers done at age 40, she has a few years to go on that. BUT.... if you are having symptoms, all bets are off and a visit to your GI guy is in order.
People have all kinds of horror stories about them, I can honestly say that THE PREP IS WORSE THAN THE PROCEDURE.
If you have been hyming and hawing about it just call and set up the appointment. The prep is about equal to a GI upset kind of day, SO JUST DO IT......
One of the grad students I was working with today told me about a silicone toe guard that they make for runners. It is made to cover the affected toe and protect it while the runners are running. He said his wife uses it and it is suppose to be GREAT. Tomorrow I plan to go to the store and see just how effective this product really is.
When I wear sandals I do not have any pain. When I wear shoes it hurts a lot.......I can not spend the next 6 months with this nagging pain. I refuse to take Vicodan for my toe....Especially you would not want your anesthetist taking narcs....
I agree the prep is the worst part and they are making even that better and easier. Lucy