Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Woke up this morning at 04:30 to check out the weather situation.   Surprise, it was snowing.....This morning there were 4 additional inches.   Got up, fed the cats, made my lunch and had a cup of tea and then left the house.    The roads were awful, but at 5 AM there were not a lot of people out there.    It took double the time and I slid around every bend, at the traffic lights.   The road at the entry to the hospital were snow covered too.  I did get a choice spot this am.   Several of the RN's had chosen to stay overnight.  They were on emergency beeper call, so it was easier to stay rather than brave the snowy road home and hope that they would not be called back in to work.

There were a lot of fracture add ons and a person who had a heart attack while shoveling snow.   Also several finger lacerations,  I do not know what was up with them.   Most of the patients made it to the hospital for their surgery but several of the docs reported that they had a lot of cancellations in their offices.  Guess human nature is to get to your surgery because you have planned and arranged many days for the event.

Today I left 45 minutes early, I did not want to get stuck in the 5 o'clock hour traffic.   Rush hour is an oxymoron,   coming out of Pittsburgh  is anything but a rush at that hour....I breezed home in 20 minutes.  Chuck said lets eat out and we had dinner at the local Family Style restaurant.  There had been another 5 inches during the day.   Chuck did say that two boys came and wanted $10 to shovel the driveway, when they were done they had also shoveled the walk way, he gave them $15.    You don't see too many kids shoveling snow these days, guess they have too much disposable income.

The snow is to continue tonight and then taper off.   Looks like the East Coast is really getting his hard.   Tom at work mentioned that he heard that another snow storm is forecast for Monday, I have not heard that rumor myself.   But at this point nothing would surprise me.


  1. Thank you Claudia and I do not plan on being in his office again. I think he is farming me out. That is fine with me.

  2. Thr cold weather is wreaking havov on everyone. It's a wonder that you could even get to work.

    By the way, while I was researching info on the snowplow guy (for humor more than fact, I did see several references to the volkswagon guy. Funny that you remembered it as well.

