Wednesday, April 1, 2020


The two weeks have gone by and we are on course for four weeks more.   I walked on the treadmill today and sometimes I walk outside if the weather is warm.    I had been going everyday to YMCA everyday for about a year to do cardio and core exercises.  I really miss going there.

The numbers look worse with each passing day, especially in NYC   What I miss is going out for a pizza and a glass of wine, since I do not like beer.   I had to go to the vets this morning to get food for my diabetic cat.  Then on to Aldi to see if there was cat litter, which there was plus another few things for the next week menu. 

I haven't visited with my daughter for going on three weeks.   She does have a N95 mask now which she has to keep in her locker in a paper bag.  I read that some company in Ohio has a process where they will sterilize the masks that was approved by the FDA,  hopefully that will help.

I actually do not want to watch any more TV with all the pictures of the doom and gloom.  I am amazed by the amount of people who are not staying in.   I would rather be bored at home than sick and on a ventilator at deaths door. 

The numbers will continue to up unless everyone stays home.

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